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 Business Model

For those familiar with Sensory Interior Design,
our goals and dedication remain unchanged.
Our new name reflects the many new services 
available to benefit you and your family .  

We can work with you and your family, virtually anywhere . . !

~ Gift Certificates Available ~ 

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Ideal for short term projects without structural changes.
Results may be immediate. 
Space Planning 
Paint & Wall Treatments
Window Coverings
Light Fixtures 
Art Work 

Home Office    Home School
 Bedrooms and more for
Children & Adults

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Ideal for long term projects with  structural changes, coordination of materials and trades.




Floor Plans

Technical Sketches

Material Selections

Project Management

and more. 

Kitchens  Bathrooms



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This is not a 'one-size-fits-all, you're on your own' kind of approach.
We're with you all the way, making sure that every space is as unique as you are. 
Reimagining spaces, using existing belongings and furnishings is how we start.
Wdo not sell any products, we assist in finding them.  
Hourly rates are dependent upon a project's simplicity or complexity.
Tell us about your project . . !

 Interior Design and Brain Science are combined to achieve an enhanced lifestyle.
Sensory Savvy Tool Kits are individually formulated for each client  
to provide improved sleep, focus and productively in all stages of life.  
We may work with you on transforming spaces exclusively
or we may work with you in conjunction with our family coaching services.
Getting to know you is the most important phase of the process
so that our Virtual Services can be designed to fit you needs.
We assist in real time and share unbiased advice
with practical and attractive solutions. 

Common Challenges 
Children and adults with underutilized bedrooms during the day.
Children and adults unable to relax and sleep restfully during the night.
Children and adults craving the perfect space to learn and work in from home.

Ecstatic Solutions
Children and adults discovering and enjoying new found space in their bedrooms. 
Children and adults embracing relaxing spaces and sleeping well at night.
Children and adults feeling focused and  productive while learning and working..

Gift Certificates
Imagine giving yourself or someone you care about
a new outlook on life in the form of a new healthy space.
Imagine knowing you have healthy homeschooling and working spaces
that inspire productivity and ongoing motivation.

Graphics by Carolyn Gold

Content by Robert & Carolyn Gold

No part of this website may be reproduced in any form.

Proprietary Content 2020 - 2041

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